Thursday, December 21, 2006

Reflexology - Dress for Success!

If you want to be successful – dress the part! We’ve all heard that before, but I’d like to examine it in the context of becoming a Reflexology Practitioner.

Depending on where you work, there may be a uniform assigned, but what if there isn’t?

My story – I work part-time in the Integrative Care Department of a local hospital, which offers Reflexology, Reiki and Massage. The dress code is simply chinos and an appropriate shirt. I decided to wear a white golf shirt. I soon noticed that when walking through the corridors with the massage therapist that SHE got all the attention! People stopped her, asked her questions, advice, and made appointments to come and see her. Why??? Because she was wearing a shirt that said Massage Therapist on it. Not only did she LOOK the part, but her shirt was an advertisement for her as well. I quickly learned my lesson and went searching for a professional Reflexology shirt for myself. I didn’t have much luck on-line. The shirts were either association shirts, or too casual (think – t-shirt with multi-colored feet on the front). What to do………………. Why, start an on-line store of course. And that’s how My Reflexology Store was conceived. Check out the Reflexology

Dressing for success can mean something different for each practitioner. Think about where you want to work and who you want to attract for clients. Don’t forget to consider other possible issues such as hygiene, dangly jingly jewelry, overpowering perfume, etc. The bottom line is that you want your client to see you as a competent professional whom they are entrusting their feet to. It’s a fine line because you want to make an impression, but at the same time just become a 'pair of healing hands’ during the session.

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