Friday, March 2, 2007

Share The Gift - Reflexology for Chronic Disease

It’s amazing where reflexology leads us as practitioners. Reflexology offers many paths to explore – from hospital work to spas. I am noticing that clients coming to my home office now have chronic health conditions, ranging from plantar faciitis and other foot problems to serious diseases. Seems that the general public thinks reflexology is a luxury, that they can’t afford, instead of a wonderful way to stay healthy. When chronic disease strikes, it’s a different story.

I’m not sure what is causing this phenomenon. Are these people somehow being drawn to me or is it that these diseases are getting more prevalent and starting at a younger age? Unfortunately, as I read, research, and note the ages of my clients, that does seem to be what’s happening.

Through these clients has come the opportunity to share the gift that is reflexology to various support groups (ie, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, etc). Group leaders, usually connected to a hospital, are not familiar with reflexology. A typical scenario has been: my client extolling the virtues of reflexology to the support group. An invitation is issued to speak to the group. We go. I talk about reflexology and how it can help them and my client shares their personal experience. I bring some handouts, my foot chart and my model feet. Then I do some demo’s – usually hands depending on the group and how mobile the people are. It’s exciting to introduce them to something that feels so good, is good for you – and has no side effects!

You may, or may not, get new clients, but it’s a tremendous learning experience and a chance to create awareness in the medical world. When you work on these clients, you realize how horrific and life-robbing these diseases are. It can be heart-breaking, but, at the same time, heartwarming to know that you can provide more quality of life to them and perhaps slow the progression of the disease, working in conjunction with the rest of their team – which could be MDs, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Nutritionists etc. What a wonderful concept for the future of medicine.

As I’ve visited support groups, researched the web, and put my presentation together each time, I’ve realized that most of my presentation stays the same – with basically the name of the disease and some specific symptoms changing. It seems that every chronic condition has certain ‘givens’:
Stress, digestion, circulation, compromised immune systems…… and – that’s where reflexology can help!

You might feel that you’re shy and can’t do group talks, but I encourage you to try it – if this is a reflexology path that resonates with you. It’s such a rewarding experience.
The steps are easy:
· You talk about Reflexology – no problem!
· You have some info on the specific disease; what it is, symptoms – You don’t have to expound on this. They already know all about the disease (this part is mostly for your benefit).
· Then – you answer the question: Is Reflexology Good for …… ? YES, because (see above ‘givens’).

Don’t forget to mention that reflexology is a wonderful addition to whatever they’re already doing. Many people think that it’s either/or and that holistic can’t mix with western medicine.

Caution: Don’t get carried away and tell them that reflexology is a cure-all! I had a man in one group ready to give me a piece of his mind– armed with Quackwatch data. Luckily, I didn’t make that statement and won him over !

Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Joy of Gift Certificates ...

Gift Certificates are a win/win situation – and a great marketing tool for your Business!

For The Consumer:
· Gift certificates make a convenient gift, requiring more thought and time than giving cash, but giving recipients the pleasure and anticipation of choosing their own gifts.
· Gift certificates can be purchased almost anywhere – for anyone, for anything, at any price! You can even get them on-line as you relax with your cup of coffee. Some are store specific and some offer a broader range; i.e. a whole mall.
· Gift certificates are a safe choice when you don't know the person very well, and also for the person who seems to have everything; not to mention that hard-to-buy-for person… If you'll need to include a gift receipt with the item anyway because they’ll probably return it, save everyone the hassle and give a gift certificate?
· Gift certificates are especially useful for a group such as co-workers, association/club members, etc. They’re also perfect for someone with a particular career, interest or hobby that you don’t know much about, such as Reflexology.

For You:
· It’s a great compliment when one of your clients buys a gift certificate for someone else. You know you have a satisfied client.
· Sometimes your clients will buy gift certificates for themselves – when you have a ‘special’, ensuring you of their continued business.
· It’s great PR – When you donate a gift certificate to a charity, everyone benefits: Your good will – for the donation, the charity for the Raffle amount made, and the recipient. This is a great way to reach out to new people. If for some reason, they aren’t interested, they may pass along your certificate to someone who is.
· And, let’s not forget that a gift certificate from your own business – in my case reflexology – covers it all: It is a personal gift from you – they can use at their convenience – AND – after they’ve enjoyed your services, they’ll rave about you to family and friends!

What’s NOT to LOVE!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Promoting Your Reflexology Business on The Web

Seems like more and more people are using their computers to answer questions. More of my clients are finding me through the internet by looking for reflexologists in their area. This is a wonderful thing! Just think, this information is on the web 24/7 and doesn’t have to cost much either!

Several years ago, my internet provider offered free web pages to their customers. (I’m sure yours does too) That’s when I created my personal website. It wasn’t very hard – couldn’t have been – I was able to do it!!

Then – my state and national association offered free listings on their websites with my membership. Eventually, the state and national associations offered a paid page added to their sites as well. I purchased one from my state (haven’t done the national – yet).

As I mentioned in my last BLOG, there are many sites on-line that offer free listings in their directories. Here are just a few:;;;;; Sometimes you can write an article on Reflexology for them as well!

My latest endeavor was to start an online store (THAT cost $$), and my BLOG.

You may ask “Why do I have to do ALL that!” It might not cost much $$, but what about my time? The answer – in one word – HITS! When someone asks for information, the internet search engines spring into action and sift through files, looking for a match. They go to the most popular sites first (read – sites with the most hits) with the most exposure. (NOTE: You MUST regularly update your sites to keep them “exposed”.)

Your goal is to have your information noted on the first or second page of search engine information that comes up in answer to an inquiry. People will not generally look beyond page 1-2 for information.

IMPORTANT: Most people find your site by links from other pages. Even if you have sent in your URL, your site can be indexed longer and ranked higher in search results if many links lead to your site. Links can be crucial in achieving good exposure.

I didn’t realize any of this when I started my personal site a few years ago – and – at that time, people weren’t using the internet like they do today. As time went on, I slowly added other sites and links and updated my personal site. Eventually my personal site showed high on the search engine lists.

THEN – I decided to have the store. I thought by paying and registering it would be a piece of cake – with my store right up there on the first page! I was WRONG!

My webmaster gave me some ideas:

· Link the store to your personal site (and vice-versa) (NOTE: Having a webmaster is nice and makes for a very professional site, which I needed for my store – BUT – creating your own site provides great flexibility for you in making changes – and doesn’t cost you any money)
· Start a BLOG and link to your other sites
· Change your paid pages that are on association sites to link to your other sites
· Go back to all those free listings and list the store as well as your personal practice
· I made a ‘Links’ page (on my personal site) that could be accessed by the store as well and offered to ‘swap’ links with other people, like you? (This is a win/win and provides exposure for both)

I’m still not number 1 on the Search Engine, but there’s been a significant improvement in my internet visibility, and I’m gaining, which is making all my work worthwhile! You can see why it’s called “the Web” as what you end up doing is making your own web by connecting to yourself and others. Think of the Search Engine as a spider zipping along this web gathering information from the most used ‘strands’.

I admit that it’s been frustrating at times, but it’s low cost PR, and was a great learning experience for me. Who’d a thunk, that Reflexology would provide me the opportunity to become a “webbie”! Give it a try and amaze yourself!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Promoting Your Reflexology Business

I’m always looking for ways to promote my Reflexology business, attending networking workshops, and on the look-out for marketing ‘tips’ in magazines and on the net. Some people have a real talent for thinking out of the box. Wish I was one of them! I have accumulated some ideas over the years though and would like to share some today. I hope you read this and say “I didn’t think of doing THAT!”:

The MOST important thing I’ve learned over the years is that you have to keep reminding YOURSELF that you’re the sales and marketing manager for your business. How many times has an opportunity to pass out a business card, or give a brochure come your way and you didn’t have one with you? It’s happened to me! Here are a few of things I’ve done about it:

· A few business cards and brochures in my pocketbook at all times.
· A plastic
foot key tag on my key ring to remind me and also to have people notice and mention it.
· A
magnetic sign on my car (Great advertising anywhere you travel AND people ask you about it!), and, of course, a Reflexology License Plate Holder!
· A
Reflexology Foot Model that I just happen to have in my car – at the ready for demonstration. (I also cart them along to Health Fairs/Support Groups, etc. They’re a BIG hit)
· A sign on my front lawn with the family name and Footprints under it (I can’t advertise in my neighborhood).
· A door decoration that includes some neat
wooden feet cutouts.
· Wearing my
Reflexology Shirt.
· I’ve taken advantage of having my information available through Reflexology Associations, (, ) as well as every free opportunity to advertise my practice on the web; ie, and many others. (more on this in another BLOG)
· Speaking of the Internet, don’t forget to note your website info, etc. along with your ‘signature’ on e-mails.

And – of course – now – MY BLOG – a place to ruminate and expound……….

I need to keep myself focused and immersed in FEET (and hands & ears). This keeps me thinking of what I can do to improve my practice, my store, and myself as a Reflexologist! Along with that, people now see me as the “foot lady” when I’m out and about! I get a chance to hear about their foot problems, and also the chance to do some educating/promoting of Reflexology.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Reflexology - Dress for Success!

If you want to be successful – dress the part! We’ve all heard that before, but I’d like to examine it in the context of becoming a Reflexology Practitioner.

Depending on where you work, there may be a uniform assigned, but what if there isn’t?

My story – I work part-time in the Integrative Care Department of a local hospital, which offers Reflexology, Reiki and Massage. The dress code is simply chinos and an appropriate shirt. I decided to wear a white golf shirt. I soon noticed that when walking through the corridors with the massage therapist that SHE got all the attention! People stopped her, asked her questions, advice, and made appointments to come and see her. Why??? Because she was wearing a shirt that said Massage Therapist on it. Not only did she LOOK the part, but her shirt was an advertisement for her as well. I quickly learned my lesson and went searching for a professional Reflexology shirt for myself. I didn’t have much luck on-line. The shirts were either association shirts, or too casual (think – t-shirt with multi-colored feet on the front). What to do………………. Why, start an on-line store of course. And that’s how My Reflexology Store was conceived. Check out the Reflexology

Dressing for success can mean something different for each practitioner. Think about where you want to work and who you want to attract for clients. Don’t forget to consider other possible issues such as hygiene, dangly jingly jewelry, overpowering perfume, etc. The bottom line is that you want your client to see you as a competent professional whom they are entrusting their feet to. It’s a fine line because you want to make an impression, but at the same time just become a 'pair of healing hands’ during the session.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Beginning of a NEW Amazing Adventure!!! -- My Reflexology Store BLOG!

It's been an exciting year!

I retired from my administrative career to spend more time on my Reflexology career!

In September, I opened my on-line store. Hope you'll stop in for a visit!

For Quality Reflexology Products, Reflexology Shirts, Foot Jewelry, Reflexology Foot Model, Reflexology Music, and More -

and NOW -- my First BLOG! Retirement sure is BUSY! Gotta go now & play with fonts etc. on my new BLOG.