Friday, March 2, 2007

Share The Gift - Reflexology for Chronic Disease

It’s amazing where reflexology leads us as practitioners. Reflexology offers many paths to explore – from hospital work to spas. I am noticing that clients coming to my home office now have chronic health conditions, ranging from plantar faciitis and other foot problems to serious diseases. Seems that the general public thinks reflexology is a luxury, that they can’t afford, instead of a wonderful way to stay healthy. When chronic disease strikes, it’s a different story.

I’m not sure what is causing this phenomenon. Are these people somehow being drawn to me or is it that these diseases are getting more prevalent and starting at a younger age? Unfortunately, as I read, research, and note the ages of my clients, that does seem to be what’s happening.

Through these clients has come the opportunity to share the gift that is reflexology to various support groups (ie, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, etc). Group leaders, usually connected to a hospital, are not familiar with reflexology. A typical scenario has been: my client extolling the virtues of reflexology to the support group. An invitation is issued to speak to the group. We go. I talk about reflexology and how it can help them and my client shares their personal experience. I bring some handouts, my foot chart and my model feet. Then I do some demo’s – usually hands depending on the group and how mobile the people are. It’s exciting to introduce them to something that feels so good, is good for you – and has no side effects!

You may, or may not, get new clients, but it’s a tremendous learning experience and a chance to create awareness in the medical world. When you work on these clients, you realize how horrific and life-robbing these diseases are. It can be heart-breaking, but, at the same time, heartwarming to know that you can provide more quality of life to them and perhaps slow the progression of the disease, working in conjunction with the rest of their team – which could be MDs, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Nutritionists etc. What a wonderful concept for the future of medicine.

As I’ve visited support groups, researched the web, and put my presentation together each time, I’ve realized that most of my presentation stays the same – with basically the name of the disease and some specific symptoms changing. It seems that every chronic condition has certain ‘givens’:
Stress, digestion, circulation, compromised immune systems…… and – that’s where reflexology can help!

You might feel that you’re shy and can’t do group talks, but I encourage you to try it – if this is a reflexology path that resonates with you. It’s such a rewarding experience.
The steps are easy:
· You talk about Reflexology – no problem!
· You have some info on the specific disease; what it is, symptoms – You don’t have to expound on this. They already know all about the disease (this part is mostly for your benefit).
· Then – you answer the question: Is Reflexology Good for …… ? YES, because (see above ‘givens’).

Don’t forget to mention that reflexology is a wonderful addition to whatever they’re already doing. Many people think that it’s either/or and that holistic can’t mix with western medicine.

Caution: Don’t get carried away and tell them that reflexology is a cure-all! I had a man in one group ready to give me a piece of his mind– armed with Quackwatch data. Luckily, I didn’t make that statement and won him over !