Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Promoting Your Reflexology Business on The Web

Seems like more and more people are using their computers to answer questions. More of my clients are finding me through the internet by looking for reflexologists in their area. This is a wonderful thing! Just think, this information is on the web 24/7 and doesn’t have to cost much either!

Several years ago, my internet provider offered free web pages to their customers. (I’m sure yours does too) That’s when I created my personal website. It wasn’t very hard – couldn’t have been – I was able to do it!!

Then – my state and national association offered free listings on their websites with my membership. Eventually, the state and national associations offered a paid page added to their sites as well. I purchased one from my state (haven’t done the national – yet).

As I mentioned in my last BLOG, there are many sites on-line that offer free listings in their directories. Here are just a few:;;;;; Sometimes you can write an article on Reflexology for them as well!

My latest endeavor was to start an online store (THAT cost $$), and my BLOG.

You may ask “Why do I have to do ALL that!” It might not cost much $$, but what about my time? The answer – in one word – HITS! When someone asks for information, the internet search engines spring into action and sift through files, looking for a match. They go to the most popular sites first (read – sites with the most hits) with the most exposure. (NOTE: You MUST regularly update your sites to keep them “exposed”.)

Your goal is to have your information noted on the first or second page of search engine information that comes up in answer to an inquiry. People will not generally look beyond page 1-2 for information.

IMPORTANT: Most people find your site by links from other pages. Even if you have sent in your URL, your site can be indexed longer and ranked higher in search results if many links lead to your site. Links can be crucial in achieving good exposure.

I didn’t realize any of this when I started my personal site a few years ago – and – at that time, people weren’t using the internet like they do today. As time went on, I slowly added other sites and links and updated my personal site. Eventually my personal site showed high on the search engine lists.

THEN – I decided to have the store. I thought by paying and registering it would be a piece of cake – with my store right up there on the first page! I was WRONG!

My webmaster gave me some ideas:

· Link the store to your personal site (and vice-versa) (NOTE: Having a webmaster is nice and makes for a very professional site, which I needed for my store – BUT – creating your own site provides great flexibility for you in making changes – and doesn’t cost you any money)
· Start a BLOG and link to your other sites
· Change your paid pages that are on association sites to link to your other sites
· Go back to all those free listings and list the store as well as your personal practice
· I made a ‘Links’ page (on my personal site) that could be accessed by the store as well and offered to ‘swap’ links with other people, like you? (This is a win/win and provides exposure for both)

I’m still not number 1 on the Search Engine, but there’s been a significant improvement in my internet visibility, and I’m gaining, which is making all my work worthwhile! You can see why it’s called “the Web” as what you end up doing is making your own web by connecting to yourself and others. Think of the Search Engine as a spider zipping along this web gathering information from the most used ‘strands’.

I admit that it’s been frustrating at times, but it’s low cost PR, and was a great learning experience for me. Who’d a thunk, that Reflexology would provide me the opportunity to become a “webbie”! Give it a try and amaze yourself!